Josef and his new Salsa Mariachi

Small world. Josef's son had a fun time on the Brooklyn 718 camping trip a couple weeks ago and encouraged his dad to get a bike. We are a few miles from Josef and his son wanted dad to get a Salsa or Surly so they showed up in a Topanga. Here is the fun part. Chris encouraged Joe (owner of Brooklyn 718) to take days off and go on adventure. See, so that means, Chris encouraging another shop owner to UnPredict came home full circle. Nice. Thanks for listening, Joe. Here is a link to their site and mention of Chris and Topanga Creek Bicycles.....

Small world. Josef’s son had a fun time on the Brooklyn 718 camping trip a couple weeks ago and encouraged his dad to get a bike. We are a few miles from Josef and his son wanted dad to get a Salsa or Surly so they showed up in a Topanga. Here is the fun part. Chris encouraged Joe (owner of Brooklyn 718) to take days off and go on adventure. See, so that means, Chris encouraging another shop owner to UnPredict came home full circle. Nice. Thanks for listening, Joe. Here is a link to their site and mention of Chris and Topanga Creek Bicycles…..