UnPredict Your Journey – First published use of UnPredict and we are bringing it back..

Seems that Milton in the 1600’s published some poetry and used “unpredict” but it didn’t catch on. We are bringing it back, 400 years later, (better late than never). Our bike shop way of life “UnPredict Your Journey” describes the first stories you tell your friends who you haven’t seen in a while, the best days of our lives are the unpredicted ones. Adventure travel with the excitement of being horrible lost, a mountain bike trip that ends up with a helicopter ride to the hospital or getting thrown out of a raft at Lava Falls on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyons are our goals of travel not the dread of it. Try to use UnPredict in a sentence today, bet you can think of many days that were unpredicted and were your best ones.

UnPredict Your Journey